Introduction to Webdesign.
    Code Editor Selection.
    Enter Bootstrap!-Template Hunt.
    Outcomes And Shortcomings.

Introduction to Webdesign

Achieving my FabAcademy webpage meant that i had to incorporate webtechnologies i.e HTML5,CSS3 and Javascript languages,so as to come up with the page.
Each language had a vital role to site :HTML5 covered the content bit ,CSS3 enhanced the look of the site and Javascript achieves the user interactivity to the site

Code Editor Selection

Given previous experience with Sublime Text i felt more at ease using the editor rather than using a text editor such as Brackets which i figured had a simplified GUI and a site emulator on the side that gave you real-time changes to my site.

Enter bootstrap!-Template Hunt.

From the use of Adobe Ilustrator in generating an ideal template for use,
i journey through google search engine for the perfect Bootstrap for edit and finally took the on below for use.

Outcomes And Shortcomings..

I hacked through editing the source code to suite my content using SublimeText Editor and Voila!!.

Despite the success,the bootstrap rather came packaged with several bugs and limitations upon upload to the Git repo and running on my desktop browser. The following images illustrate some of the errors i encountered.

What followed was a series of tweaks to rectify the fonts,authenticate jquery and min.css by downloading and having them locally within the project file.On persistance I downed my my tools and decided to go old school and did a (PURELY HTML) week 1 page which proved worthwhile and intergrated it to the stuborn bootstrap


Upon consultation with my supervisor i advised that the exercise was meant to be a development exercise all through fabacademy course week,therefore i intended to introduce both CSS3 and Javascript in the later weeks as my understanding for the development languages.


    Introduction to Version Control.
    GIT Installation.
    Signing into GIT Account.
    Configuring Git and Adding Repos
    Uploading Files.

Introduction to Version Control

In order to control the version of our project files we opted to work with github ,which meant I had to install
GIT Desktop application for easy manipulation and upload of the class files for review before being push to the main repo.

GIT Installation

Step 1:

Download GitHub Desktop platform suitable for your machine,on download completion "Run" the installation File.

On "Finish" Launch the GitHub Desktop Application.

Signing into Git Account.

Step 2:

In order to Succesfully connect to your github account you need to sign with a registered GitHub user account else you need to SignUp on the Git page in order to complete step 2:

Given that i had already signed up for an account i just logged in my user credentials.

Configuring Git and Adding Repos

Step 3:

Following a Successful Login into the Git Account, ican now configure my repo files.

Note:Internet connection is needed in order to sign into your Git Account and Add New Repos that you may select.

NB:Incase you encounter a problem you can use the GitHub Desktop Documentation else contact your supervisor for assistance with the configuration.

After minutes of staring at my Git app screen trying to figure out what the repositories option entailed i went back to the GitHub Desktop Documentation hence; i realized the two manuals on the site served different task.The first gave guidance on Signing in and Configuring while the other illustrated how to Add and Clone Repos.

Uploading Files

Step 4:

The process was a success and i was on the interface.Even before i could executed the final task the were 3 processes that i had to grasp in order to comfortably use the platform which were:

  • How to make a new branch
  • How to make changes

  • And Finally
  • Opening a pull request
  • I went through the GitHub Flow Guidewhich was educative though some terms slipped "Could it be that I was too sleepy"anyways the first thing I did was to Add my website into Github Desktop.